Our success begins with the 3 C's.
Condition: this includes ALL things pools related, including the deck and cabana. We analyze the efficiency, age, life expectancy, condition of all aspects and report to the board for perusal.
Concern: this is the board's, management company's, community members' and Talkin Pools' combined views. What are the short and long term concerns, literally and financially.
Commitment: this is the board's personal investment as a fiduciary partner, the amount of reserve funds available presently and in the future, the triage nature of a pool condition report and Talkin Pools' investment in preserving the community pool, continuing or establishing an ongoing relationship and protecting our exclusive reputation. Hopefully, we will be allowed to continue, or begin, providing daily service for the pool/deck we brought back to life at a fraction of most pool reserve fund working numbers.
Please visit our site for more information.
This community saved thousands in reserve funds by taking advantage of THE POOL SHEPHERD'S PLAN! They immediately improved the health of their reserve fund and will save exponentially for many years.